Therapy for Teens

Therapy for teenagers and adolescents in Seattle

Do any of these statements sound familiar?

“There isn’t enough time to do it all! School, homework, tests, clubs, college applications, family obligations, having a job, and time with friends. It’s so overwhelming.”

“How am I supposed to live my life without social media? That’s how I connect with my friends, plus, it makes me laugh. Sometimes I wish it didn’t exist, though, because it doesn’t make me feel good about myself. What am I supposed to do?”

“Who am I really? What’s me and not everybody else? What’s actually important to me? How do I know?”

“Who am I attracted to? Who do I want to be in a relationship with? What if I’m not that into anyone?”

“I get that gender is socially constructed but, still, how do I know what gender I am? What if I’m actually trans or non-binary? What does it mean about me if I’m cis-gender?”

“Please don’t tell me everything has gone back to normal! It hasn’t and it’s never going to. Can we please talk about the Pandemic and how it has changed everything?”

“I am feeling some kind of way about EVERYTHING. I just want to feel okay for once.”

“I don’t want to grow up. I want to stay young. I’m tired of all the adults expecting me to be this super put-together independent adult-like person.”

“I’m too fat, too thin, not in shape enough, not cool enough, not smart enough, not _______ enough.” (Fill in the blank with any of this week’s awesome thoughts about myself.)

Seattle therapist for teens struggling with school stress and anxiety

Yeah, this time of your life is tough.

And I haven’t even touched on other stressors like when:

  • You’ve experienced a big change or loss

  • You’re dealing with overwhelming emotions like anger, frustration, or shame

  • Your relationship with your parents/guardians and siblings isn’t going well

  • You’re affected by political, social, and environmental issues

  • You’re struggling in your relationships with your friends

  • You’re dealing with discrimination, racism, homophobia, neurodiversity, learning differences, ADD/ADHD, Autism, or a mental health diagnosis

You’re trying to figure out who you are, but the world just keeps bombarding you with more.

Seattle queer therapist for teens

How Therapy Can Help

In therapy, you can…

  • Have your own unique space where you can bring your whole self, feel seen, and where there’s someone to help you hold all of the things.

  • Know yourself more deeply. When you build a stronger relationship with yourself, you can rely on yourself to get through hard things.

  • Understand and have words for all the feelings you’re having.

  • Better cope with and even find the superpowers in things like anxiety, depression, OCD, learning differences, ADHD, Autism, and neurodiversity.

  • Come to understand and define who you are, what you stand for, and what you want your life to be about.

  • Figure out what’s really important to you and commit to those things, even if you’ve got anxiety, fear, or other things standing in your way.

  • Appreciate and love yourself more, which in turn, helps you love and appreciate other people too.

  • Learn how to deal with anxiety, fear, depression, and feeling helpless, alone, or uncertain.

Get Started

Ready to start working together? Just click the button below to learn more about my practice and how to become a client.